shop cargo now, get 30% off

I thought I was special getting 30% off last week as I was telling Bridgit & The Cargo Team how much I love walking around their warehouse of imported delights, taking in all the good energy and feeling like I am back in Asia- but really they have extended the Winter Sale!  Yep, storewide- 30%off through this month.  Cargo has a huge selection as you can see in this picture I snapped with permission.  I purchased the most interesting jewelry and gift at cargo for great prices too.  Whenever you visit the Cargo warehouse you will find loads of fun, and they always offer something for free?! Cargo, 380 NW 13th Ave, Portland 97209

1 comment:

  1. OMG - I love Cargo! We moved into a new house a few months ago and the previous owners had transformed a chest, we think from Cargo, into a sink - it is awesome! And we've been looking for a new piece of furniture for our living room - you are awesome - thanks for sharing such great news!


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